Meet Your Saboteurs

In this short video I unpack WHY we engage in self sabotage. It's one of the most complex areas because it happens outside of our conscious awareness and it's so incredibly powerful. If we don't have an understanding or awareness of our saboteurs, we can just assume...

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The Number 1 Way To Make Peace With Food

All or nothing thinking where you are either in control OR out of control is one of the most challenging areas to shift.  It is a journey.  In the video, I share 2 quick tips for you to start to reduce your all or nothing thinking, and therefore start to make peace...

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Screen Time, Emotional Eating & Weight Gain

Check out my new blog around how screen time can be affecting your eating and weight gain.   If you are interested in more effective psychological strategies, I invite you to join my FREE 5 Day Food Freedom Challenge We kick off on Monday 16th October. It's the final...

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What To Do When You’ve Had a Binge?

What To Do When You’ve Had a Binge?

  I remember the feeling so well. Knee deep in 4 huge servings of pasta, followed up a family block of fruit & nut chocolate. Eating to the point of feeling so sick. Not wanting to FEEL anything. Just wanting to numb out. But then feeling DISGUSTING afterwards. The...

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Why Am I Self Sabotaging When I Feel Good?

I have observed 4 key themes in my role as a Psychologist working with women in this space.  In this Video, I unpack a very common way that women can self sabotage, when they lose weight, they feel good and BOOM!! The weight comes piling back on.  Has this happened to...

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Why Do I Self Sabotage When I’m Out Of My Routine?

I have observed 4 key themes in my role as a Psychologist working with women in this space.  In this Video, I unpack a very common way that women can self sabotage, which is when they are out of their routine.  This can really happen when you go on holidays. Has this...

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Body Blame​

Do you blame your weight and your body for your life not turning out as you had planned? I did. Watch this video to hear 2 key questions you need to ask yourself if you blame your body for your disappointments. -Are you ready to never go on another diet and gain food...

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