by Georgie Beames | Nov 27, 2019 | Being in control with food, Being out of control with food, Emotional Eating, Feelings & Food, Mindful Eating, Mindfulness, Self Sabotage
Do you find it really hard to say no to a craving in the moment? Read the transcript here or skip to watch the video below.If you do, you are not alone. Previously, I differentiated between tummy hunger and head hunger.So we want to honor tummy hunger but, for head...
by Georgie Beames | Nov 20, 2019 | A Non-Dieting Approach, Being in control with food, Being out of control with food, Emotional Eating, Feelings & Food, Mindful Eating, Mindfulness, Self Sabotage
Do you know the difference between your ‘head hunger’ and your ‘tummy hunger’? Read the transcript here or skip to watch the video below.Chances are that you might not.And it’s a big step in the right direction to finding food...
by Georgie Beames | Sep 3, 2019 | Being in control with food, Being out of control with food, Emotional Eating, Feelings & Food, Mindful Eating, Mindfulness, Self Sabotage
Did you know that every time you are engaging in emotional eating, you are trying to get a need met from the food?Read the transcript here or skip to watch the video below.So let’s unpack it and find out what need you are trying to get met from eating in this...
by Georgie Beames | Sep 3, 2019 | Being in control with food, Being out of control with food, Emotional Eating, Feelings & Food, Mindful Eating, Mindfulness, Self Compassion, Self Sabotage
Are you trying to distract yourself through eating? This is the number one common problem that I see for so many women when they’re struggling with their eating and weight.Read the transcript here or skip to watch the video below.Let’s talk about...
by Georgie Beames | Sep 3, 2019 | A Non-Dieting Approach, Being in control with food, Being out of control with food, Emotional Eating, Feelings & Food, Mindful Eating
Why do we crave specific foods so, so much?If you are typically going for similar types of food, whether that’s the chocolate or the cheese or the biscuits, it means you have a strong emotional attachment to these foods. I want to unpack what this is all about...
by Georgie Beames | Sep 3, 2019 | All or nothing thinking, Being in control with food, Being out of control with food, Emotional Eating, Feelings & Food, Mindfulness, Self Compassion, Self Sabotage
Let’s talk about food freedom and what that really looks like. Read the transcript here or skip to watch the video below. I see women looking in the wrong places with the wrong language and wrong definition. Because we haven’t been taught this stuff;...