Happiness is Not a Smaller Body– Happiness is Having Effective Tools and Resources to Have a Balanced Relationship with Food. Here’s How.

Happiness is Not a Smaller Body– Happiness is Having Effective Tools and Resources to Have a Balanced Relationship with Food. Here’s How.

At a deeper level, do you believe that weight loss is the answer to all your problems?  If you do, you are not alone. I’m a psychologist, specialising in emotional eating and weight. I work with women daily in this area. There is a deep belief that weight loss...

Body Blame​

Do you blame your weight and your body for your life not turning out as you had planned? I did. Watch this video to hear 2 key questions you need to ask yourself if you blame your body for your disappointments. -Are you ready to never go on another diet and gain food...
Want More Confidence?

Want More Confidence?

I think this is the million dollar question, don’t you? For most of my life I felt like I never had enough confidence. I had been bullied for many years growing up and that really had a huge impact on how I felt about myself.  I spent a lot of my life waiting...