This can either be a fear before surgery and a real concern after surgery.
I often raise this as a potential flag for some clients that I see pre surgery.
I find there’s a real mix. Some women say – no way I can’t wait to get rid of the excess weight, that won’t be a problem for me. I get it – often we don’t know until we are in it that it could be a potential issue. But if your weight has been on you for years or decades, it’s on you for a reason. It’s serving a role, otherwise you wouldn’t be here.
For other women, they can def see that this could be an issue for them once they lose a significant amount of weight after surgery and they have concerns that it could lead to sabotage.
Excess weight is safe.
Excess weight gives you protection and a buffer.
It’s something we really want to check in with ourselves on pre and post surgery.
Post surgery it could be a key reason as to why you regained your lost weight.
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